Matrix Grand Totals with ISINSCOPE measure

Hi All,
I’m working with a data set which may have a budget at 2 levels or only at 1 level.
I’ve figured out how to show this difference in a matrix visual using ISINSCOPE or ISFILTERED

But the grand total number is incorrect. Can you please point me in the right direction?


Budget Test.pbix (27.0 KB)

Budget to display = IF ( ISINSCOPE(Budget[Department]), SUM(Budget[Dept. Budget]),AVERAGE(Budget[Product Line Budget]))

You should add another ISINSCOPE to cover the total as well, because the total now gives you the average of product line.
I added that in this PBIC file (Budget to display 3).

Budget Test.pbix (27.9 KB)

Thank you for your reply! I am actually looking for the total value to be 1,250 (300 + 400 + 550)

Sorry, my title on the Matrix visual was not correct. (I changed it but then did not re-upload the .pbix.)


I tried to create one measure that has everything. But it makes things a bit complicated and results in a wrong total. So i created a measure for the correct Total (TOTAL) and used it in the budget display 4.

Budget Test (1).pbix (32.3 KB)

Thanks @HASSAN_BI Yes, I am trying to create on measure that has everything :smile: Complicated is ok.

In that example, the total is correct, but the non-totals are not right.

Here is what I am trying to do:


I guess that’s the outcome needed.

Budget Test (1).pbix (32.3 KB)

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This is great- thank you!!

u welcome. happy to help :grin: