My boss, today, “what’re you going to do about that payroll data that is that nasty format”
“It’s ok I’ve got that pulled in already”
“how’d you manage that?”
Showed him how I transformed it and explained a lot of the M code/Power Query skills I’ve picked up recently have been through @Melissa’s videos. I’m loving using Drilldown in Power Query and then bringing all the rows back again, so useful.
I know @BrianJ has got a video lined up (expected to be released to the YT Channel sometime next week) on that Group By, All Rows option. Can’t wait for that!
Yeah, I was pleased. He followed that up with “you’re really getting into your M code now”. I’ve finally managed to show him something he didn’t already know how to do ! Thanks again!
Look forward to more wizardry from @BrianJ. I’ve used Group By/All Rows for a few different scenarios, will be a great watch I’m sure!