Lookup table from column in another table

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Looking for video or document as I am still in the learning phase.

I have several tables that have a column that is order #. If I try to connect them is gives me Many to many relationship. This is because there are several products listed per order number.(So several rows has a product and same order#) I would like to create a lookup table that also updates any new order numbers and then removed duplicates so that when connecting/filter these three tables, it will be Many to one?

Each table has the same Order # so I only need to pull from one to create the lookup table.

I tried to merge the tables But the tables are very big and over 400000 rows on the main file.

I have also tried to used Distinct to pull Order # into a new table. That worked Kind of. I can see the values in the data view. But in Report it will not show any data.

Also in the model I was able to only link one of the Data tables to the lookup table I created.

HI @dnw1970 , while waiting for other members to jump in, I suggest using the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member. Thanks!

Thanks, I have continued my search. I can get the values into another table using DISTINCT, But it still does not work. I am amazed that is this so hard. I may just end up creating a table in report and then exporting into an excel lookup table.

Hi @dnw1970 ,

Thanks for posting this question. See quite simple and straightforward as we encounter such issue many times. You can have 2 options here:

  1. Create a lookup table as you are trying. There can be many ways and the best way is to create lookup table in Power Query, but I have created in DAX to simulate your experience. I have created lookup table using DISTINCT,

  2. The other method you can use is to create a composite column by combining sales ordered and product id and then you might get unique values.

By implementing first method, I have simulated your scenario and it is working fine. Please let me know in case anything is not clear to you.

EDNA_lookup.pbix (26.0 KB)
Sampe.xlsx (8.9 KB)

Kind Regards,

Thank you @hafizsultan! “Create Lookup table in Power Query” was the tip I needed. I watched a You tube video after that to used Reference to create the table. I put it in my Model and it works!!

Many thanks to you.