Lookup operation in power query

How to perform a lookup operation in power query?

Hi @Anu,

Please provide more context and an example.

sample 11_4.pbix (45.9 KB)

Please find the attached file.

I would like to implement this logic in power query:

Cashflow Category_ES_CP =
VAR lookup =
‘Lookup Table 1’[Value],
‘Lookup Table 1’[Location Code], ‘Receivables’[Location Code]
VAR Category =
IF (
lookup = “100”,
“Cash from Existing Sales”,
IF (
lookup = “200”,
“Cash from inventory sales”,
IF ( lookup = “300”, “Cash from new launches”, “Others” )
IF (
‘Receivables’[Cashflow Category] = “Cash from Existing Sales”
|| ‘Receivables’[Cashflow Category] = “Cash from completed projects”,
‘Lookup Table 2’[Category],
‘Lookup Table 2’[Location Code], ‘Receivables’[Location Code]

Hi @Anu,

There are many ways to look things up in M, but give this a go.

AddCategory = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Custom", each 
        lookup = BufferLookup1{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}?, 
        Cat1 = if lookup <> null then
            if lookup[Value] = "100" then "Cash from Existing Sales"
            else if lookup[Value] = "200" then "Cash from inventory sales"
            else if lookup[Value] = "300" then "Cash from new launches"
            else "Others"
        else null, 
        Cat2 = try BufferLookup2{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}[Category] otherwise null
        if [Category] = "Cash from Existing Sales" or [Category] = "Cash from completed projects" then Cat1
        else Cat2, 
    type text

the result.

Here’s your sample file. sample 11_4.pbix (47.8 KB)
I hope this is helpful.


BufferLookup1{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}?

Cat2 = try BufferLookup2{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}[Category] otherwise null

could you please explain this part a little?

AddCategory = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Custom", each 
    lookup = BufferLookup1{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}?, // get matching Record else null
    Cat1 = if lookup <> null then // if not null (so there is a matching Record)
        if lookup[Value] = "100" then "Cash from Existing Sales"
        else if lookup[Value] = "200" then "Cash from inventory sales"
        else if lookup[Value] = "300" then "Cash from new launches"
        else "Others"
      else null, 
    Cat2 = try BufferLookup2{[Location Code = [Location Code]]}[Category] otherwise null // get matching Record field value otherwise null
    if [Category] = "Cash from Existing Sales" or [Category] = "Cash from completed projects" then Cat1
      else Cat2, 
  type text
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try BufferLookup2 , could you please explain “try”

@Anu You should google and try to find what a certain function does, Melissa won’t be able answer everything.

Few days ago I saw her writing “?” after a line of code and instead of asking her I googled and found articles/answers and video that explained that it is used to prevent errors and return null.

That’s how you will learn.


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