Local date type

the date column in power bi desktop has been changed to date using the local of UK
however after publishing the date column shows as american format i.e. 02/14/2024
any suggestions?
thank you


There can be a number of causes for this, one of these steps will likely resolve it.

  1. Make sure locale settings and column formats in the PBIX file are correct.
  2. Clear the cache of the PBI Desktop file, Go to: File-Options and Settings - Options , Under Global, select Data Load and select “clear cache” under “Data Cache Management Options” and select “clear cache” under “Q&A Cache Options” and select “clear cache” under “Folded Artifacts Cache Options”. Then ,re-publish it.
  3. Make sure Default (browser language) is correct, see managing date format in a Browser

I hope this is helpful


thank you