Hi Everyone - hoping some can help with this.
I have a chart with the X-axis being dates. There are three hierarchies on the axis being FY -> Quarter -> Month. Because the fiscal year starts in October, I have a “month sort” column in my date tables so that October is first, November, second, etc. This works fine.
The issue is that the sort in the chart changes when you move down a hierarchy versus expanding it. Here are two examples. The chart on the left is sorted correctly after one expands the hierarchy. But if you go down the hierarchy (as I’m not showing the fiscal year and quarter to save space) - it puts October first.
I see what is happening in that if you use the “sort by” feature - the first [left[ chart gives the option to sort by “FY Quarter Month” as those three levels are visible. But the second chart just gives the “Month” as the sort option and thus moves October first.
I can just concatenate the axis one the left to make it work, but prefer the cleaner version on the right.
Any thoughts? Thanks,