I have a report where I am displaying slicing my measures in a Line and Stacked Column Chart.
Dates are group by week start date -
Week Start Date = 'date'[Date] - WEEKDAY('date'[Date],2) + 1
Using the DAX code above, the week start date will be Mondays. But when I plot this in my chart, the first bar has no date associated while the subsequent ones default to Sundays as seen in the image below:
The problem here is your data model. Whenever you are doing time intelligence calculations/analyses, your data model needs to include a proper date table that is marked as such. I very strongly recommend using @Melissa’s awesome Extended Date Table for this purpose. That date table includes a field entitled WeekEnding.
All you would need to do is add a calculated column to that table:
WeekStarting = Dates[WeekEnding] - 6
That should solve your problem here, plus give you an array of other extremely powerful capabilities for additional time intelligence analyses.
Hi @BrianJ,
Thanks for the reply. I did as you recommended but the issue persists. I have attached my current file with the date table as advised.
I anticipate your reply.
Thank you WeekStart.pbix (322.1 KB)