Issue with dynamic date dim and incremental refresh

I have set up incremental refresh and everything works fine except for some dates missing in the date dim. I have it set up according to the attached image.
Can anyone tell me why the last couple of dates in the fact table don’t get returned in the date dim date range specified?

Hi @Kristoffer.Dahlquist - You haven’t shared your sample data but looking at this, it seems like a Datatype mismatch. Your Date column in Date Table might be in Date Format in Power Query while Date column in Fact table in DateTime Format.

In this case, Power Bi relationship will ignore all records with different timestamp. Check if this is the issue. If not, then share sample PBIX file.

Ankit J

It’s not a data mismatch, the incremental refresh is set on the datetime column in the fact table. the dynamic date range in the date dim is filtered by what is left in the date column in the fact table.
When I trigger either a partial or full refresh the partitions are created and then for some reason I get blank dates in the date dim from 30th of october until today.
The image shows the date field (left) in the fact table after partitioning together with the date field (right) from the date dim.
Before creating the partitions the EndRange parameter is set to 30th of october, so the issue is probably that even though I run refreshes the RangeEnd does not update the hardcoded value. Not sure why though?


Hi @Kristoffer.Dahlquist

Please give Data Mentor tool built within the EDNA platform. its a great tool to help you solve your problem.


Hi @Kristoffer.Dahlquist - Can you share sample PBIX file with Incremental refresh settings you have made.

Ankit J

This is a fine detail in incremental refresh requirements:

In power query, the filter step that has the condition on the date has to be

StartDate <= DATE && DATE< EndDate
StartDate < DATE && DATE <= EndDate

Note the equality symbols please, one has to be strictly greater or smaller.