Is this visual possible in PBI?

Hi there!

I’m seeking your advice here to know if this type of chart could be easily created in PBI and what would be the best approach to cope with it.

The chart is as shown below - a line series to display different price points for same products:

Thanks a lot for your help!


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Hi @SamSPAIN. Yes it is. Here’s my first try at a transparent line chart with a few points of made-up data.

eDNA Forum - Transparent Line Chart with Data Points.pbix (16.8 KB)


@SamSPAIN do you mean how to create a line graph with dots/markers and no line ?
To change marker and line style, please drag a column to “legend” and switch to format->legend->style like below:



Another option that you could use is Charticulator. If you post some sample data, and a brief explanation of what it is you want, I could put something together.


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Hi @SamSPAIN, did the response provided by the users and experts help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

All, apologies for such a late reply.

@Greg, thank you very much for attaching your model. I’ve been trying to replicate what you’ve done but not sure how can I… this is where I landed:

How did you make the lines transparent for both? which option did you execute to accomplish that? as shown above I only could it make it work for one element of the visual.

I tried following advice and didn’t work…

Much appreciated

Hi @SamSPAIN. The lines are not transparent; I merely chose the same colour as the background (in this case, white). If you wish additional assistance, please upload your work-in-progress PBIX along with a marked-up screenshot of your visual of interest noting the desired outcome.

Hi @Greg. Can’t upload the file (too big) and I’m afraid I can’t either make it lighter…

Alright, I think I finally got it! now my issue is that I do not have the colors displayed in the legend:

Big thanks!


The relevant setting is the MATCH LINE COLOR setting: when ON it uses the line color (in our case, white), and when OFF it uses the series color.

I you still have issues, can you make a copy of your file, then perhaps you can filter-out enough rows to make the file smaller, then upload your work-in-progress PBIX?

eDNA Forum - Transparent Line Chart with Data Points V2.pbix (16.9 KB)


Awesome @Greg!! it’s ridiculous how a little thing like this can make such a big difference - provided of course that you know what you’re doing (like in your case). Massive thanks!!

Hi @SamSPAIN, did the response provided by @Greg help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.

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