Is it possible to determine how many artifacts and of what type (dataflow/dataset/paginated reports etc.) and size can be accommodated in a Premium Gen 2 capacity?

So we are building a custom Premium Gen2 App report and would like to plan our resources according to the capacity provided.

To plan resources according to the capacity provided by Power BI Premium Gen2, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the number of users and the expected usage pattern: To plan resources, it’s important to determine the number of users who will be using the app and their expected usage pattern. This will help you estimate the required resources to handle the expected load.
  2. Estimate the required capacity: Once you have determined the expected usage pattern, you can estimate the required capacity. You can use the Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics app to monitor and analyze the usage of the capacity. This will help you determine the amount of capacity required to handle the expected load.
  3. Monitor and adjust: After you have deployed the app, it’s important to monitor its usage and adjust the resources accordingly. You can use the Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics app to monitor the usage of the capacity and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Consider scalability: As your app grows in usage, you may need to consider scaling up or out to handle the increased load. You can use the Azure portal to scale up or out your capacity as needed.
  5. Regularly review and optimize: It’s important to regularly review and optimize your resources to ensure that you are using them efficiently. You can use the Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics app to monitor and analyze the usage of the capacity and identify areas where you can optimize.

By following these steps, you can effectively plan and manage the resources required for your Power BI Premium Gen2 app.

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Hi @AdityaPuri

For your questions, I will suggest better to get in touch with the Microsoft team.