Hi all,
We record inventory on last day of every month. Let us suppose that we have 2 inventory dates for product A:
15pcs October 31st
30pcs November 30th
Given that report is filtered for November, how do I set the starting inventory as October 31st and ending inventory as November 30th?
Bear in mind that this should work on a custom (monthly) period basis.
Use a Dax Measure like this.
Opening Inventory =
Calculate([inventoryMeasure], DATEADD(Dates[Date],-1,MONTH)
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Hi @Thimios,
you could use something like this I think;
Inventory EOM =
Calculate([Measure Inventory Sum], ENDOFMONTH (Dates[Date]))
Inventory prev. EOM =
Calculate([Measure Inventory EOM],DATEADD(Dates[Date],-1,MONTH))
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