November 20, 2021, 6:59pm
I’d like to have the ‘Status’ from the Trial Table pulled into the Virtual Trial Table.
The Virtual Table code is as follows;
Virtual Trial Table =
'Trial Table',
'Trial Table'[Vendor Name],
'Trial Table'[SRO #],
"Value", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Value] ) ),
"Last Modified", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Modified] ) )
How can I get the ‘Status’ into the V table where and still keep the SRO, Vendor name, Value and Last modified unique? Possible?
Trial.xlsx (10.5 KB)
Trials.pbix (34.4 KB)
Virtual Trial Table =
'Trial Table',
"Vendor Name", 'Trial Table'[Vendor Name],
"SRO #", 'Trial Table'[SRO #],
"Value", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Value] ) ),
"Last Modified", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Modified] ) )
November 21, 2021, 3:22pm
Virtual Trial Table =
'Trial Table',
"Vendor Name", 'Trial Table'[Vendor Name],
"SRO #", 'Trial Table'[SRO #],
"Value", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Value] ) ),
"Last Modified", CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Trial Table'[Modified] ) )
Thanks but this leaves the Henkels and Strike as not unique , how can I keep it unique and use the status from the Max value and Last modified?
@cms418 Not sure, what you are trying to do, share a table that shows the end result.
November 21, 2021, 6:12pm
Hi @AntrikshSharma - In this case I am trying to create a simple table where I am able to establish a one to many relationship but with the MAX value for the Vendor and SRO combo.
As you can see in the data provided there are multiple values for the same SRO and Vendor name. What I need is a way to clean it up in either the query or via virtual table in DAX so that it can connect in my model.
Excel table End result attached and below.
End Result.xlsx (10.0 KB)
Trial.xlsx (10.5 KB)
Trials.pbix (36.5 KB)
November 22, 2021, 6:20pm
Solved this on my own.
Created a Key b/w the 2 tables and then used lookupvalue to bring in the status.
Trials.pbix (38.5 KB)
Trial.xlsx (10.5 KB)