I’ve got a time column and I’m trying to add another calculated column to see if the time is past 3:00 pm but I’m getting an error.
Here is what I have
Late = if('Route Status'[TimeC] >= TIME(15:00:00),"LATE", "Ok")
I’ve got a time column and I’m trying to add another calculated column to see if the time is past 3:00 pm but I’m getting an error.
Here is what I have
Late = if('Route Status'[TimeC] >= TIME(15:00:00),"LATE", "Ok")
There are two ways to about this, one in DAX via a calculated column and one via Power Query which will also create a new column. I favor Power Query in these types of situations since 1) you are adding a column and 2) Power Query is much easier to work with in Dates and Times. But with that being said here are the solutions for both methods:
Go to your table, and click Add a Custom column and enter in this code:
if [Time] >= #time( 15, 0,0 )
Dax Calculated Column = if( Query1[Time] >= VALUE( TIME( 15,0,0) ), "Late","Ok")
Perfect thanks!