I am struggling with where to apply the correct syntax to get the IF ISBLANK function to work with the below measure. I am using the measure as a card visual in a report and depending on the month selected ( month slicer used on the report page) the card displays blank when there has been no serious incidents in that month, what i need the card to do is to display a 0 in the card for those months.
Ive read other posts and have attempted to apply IF IS Blank but am not having any luck, i don’t think i have the syntax order applied correctly.
Could i get some guidance please
My measure is…
Serious Incidents =
Thanks Brian do I add this syntax in front of my measure or does this replace my measure, I still need to be able to count the rows and filter on the column within the Forms table
@BrianJ has created a new measure, called [Card Display] and used measure branching - this means the core measure [Serious Incidents] is required to calculate it.
After you’ve created that in your report just replace the current measure in your card visual and you’re done.