Hi, I have set up a table that highlights the number of votes a club can cast based on min and maximum number of members. Simple table that consists of Index, Min, Max, Eligible Votes.
How can I link the eligible number of votes to the club membership numbers held in a separate table?
I’m having trouble handling the min / max range . If a clubs membership is between > min & < max, then x number of votes can be allocated.
If I understand your situation correctly, there’s no need to link your described supporting table to your data model. Sounds like a textbook dynamic segmentation problem that Sam has addressed in a number of videos. Here are just a couple that should be directly relevant and very helpful:
After reviewing your PBIX file and getting a better handle on the issue, I decided to take a left turn and base the measure on a simpler SWITCH ( TRUE() ) structure:
Allocated Votes =
// These lookup statements are here to allow you to change the Min/Max
// boundaries in the Club Votes table w/o changing this measure.
// If those boundaries are unlikely to change, you can delete all the
// VARs and hardwire the min/max values into the SWITCH statement to
// simplify the measure and improve performance
VAR Group1Min = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Min], 'Club Votes'[Index], 1)
VAR Group1Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 1)
VAR Group2Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 2)
VAR Group3Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 3)
VAR Group4Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 4)
VAR Group5Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 5)
VAR Group6Max = LOOKUPVALUE('Club Votes'[Max], 'Club Votes'[Index], 6)
[Total Membership] < Group1Min, 0,
[Total Membership] < Group1Max, 1,
[Total Membership] < Group2Max, 2,
[Total Membership] < Group3Max, 3,
[Total Membership] < Group4Max, 4,
[Total Membership] < Group5Max, 5,
[Total Membership] < Group6Max, 6,
10000000 //Error trapping to alert you w/ crazy value if [Total Membership] exceeds Group6Max