Identify non duplicates, to remove, and then calculate time spend on two steps, and average as well

To complement another excellent post by @BrianJ

Here’s a Power Query approach using a custom function made by Bill Szysz, for more details on how to implement that see this thread. Time format 37:30:55 greater than 24 hours - #11 by Melissa

Net Duration incl workhours, calculates the difference between the Min and Max datetime values and excludes non-workinghours, weekends and if provided holidays.

Net Duration excl non workdays, calculates the difference between the Min and Max datetime values and excludes weekends and if provided holidays.

Simple Duration, calculates the difference between the Min and Max datetime values.

Hope this is helpful.
eDNA - Identify data sets to keep (5).pbix (53.5 KB)

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