HTML Visualization Workout 002 - Make a phone call

Difficulty 1/5

Phone Calls from Power BI

In our second workout, we’re introducing Bridger, a product designed to enhance Power BI reports. Bridger integrates convenient links within the reports, enabling users to make phone calls or send emails directly from the report itself.

PBIX File:

Please download the file from here.

HTML VizCreator Flex :

The HTML VizCreator visuals are developed by BI Samurai ( and they come in in two versions: the Microsoft-certified HTML VizCreator Cert and the HTML VizCreator Flex, which is not Microsoft-certified but can access the internet and currently offers more functionality. In upcoming workouts, you’ll learn more about the differences between these two versions. For this particular challenge, you can use either one.

It’s important to note that a license is required to access the full functionality of the HTML VizCreator visuals. However, to be part of these workouts, you won’t need to purchase a license. The PBIX file available for download at the link above contains the latest pre-released versions of both visuals, along with an active license key.

As a side note, if you are a freelancer, Power BI consultant, Microsoft MVP, student, or have a similar role, you might be eligible for a free partner license. To find out more, reach out to and provide us with information about who you are, what you do, and why you believe you should receive a free partner license.

Goals of this workout:

  • Change text
  • Change phone number
  • Set your favorite fonts to your desired sizes
  • Color the background with any color you want
  • Change contact details to be displayed
  • Change phone emoji


Step by step guide to create phone call link

Bridger product description

Bridger FAQ

Phone call URL example

BI Samurai Online HTML Editor

Bold, italic, underline

Dynamically change font size

Dynamically format colors

Use SWITCH Dax function to apply dynamic conditions into colours, texts, fonts, measures etc.

Ask your questions in the workout channel and we’ll try to answer you as soon as we can


Post a Screenshot of your report and upload your PBIX.

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