HTML clean column in Excel using PQ

I have a column in Excel which has html formatting.
I can remove the html formatting in Power BI using a custom column
= Html.Table([“HTML Column”],{{“PlainText”,“:root”}}) however this doesn’t work in Excel.

Can anyone help me remove html formatting in EXCEL? The result I would like is the green column

Excel file is attached.

HTML Power Query.xlsx (19.7 KB)

I’m sure that this can be done more cleanly - but here’s what I’ve found this morning:

please take a look at the Power Query steps on the Result table of the attached:
eDNA Solution - HTML Power Query.xlsx (25.2 KB)


Thank you very much Heather, it is absolutely perfect. I like how you used index and then grouped rows to pull data back together.


Hi @KimC. I know the thread is solved, but saw this YouTube video by Curbal yesterday that deals with this issue which may be of interest as well.