How to Turn Off the some of the visual more options feature in Power BI Service?

Hi Experts,

After publishing it to the Power BI Service portal, I’d like to disable some of the Power BI visuals more options features. However, please keep in mind that I require an export data option for all of my visuals.

For example, I don’t want the following highlighted options “Copy as image with caption”, “Add a comment”, “Chat in Teams”, “Spotlight”,“Get insights” to be visible in the Power BI service portal. Is there a way to disable these options?



You can Switch off the Header Icons from each visual by accessing the same under Format visualHeader IconsIcons. However, you will only be able to test the efficacy of this when you publish the report onto Power BI Service.

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Hi @pranamg ,

For each visual on the desktop version, I had already disabled the visual header icons as shown below. I only had the “More Options” icon enabled because I needed it to export data from the visual in Power BI service portal.

The issue is that I can’t seem to find any options in the Power BI Desktop application to disable the following features: “Copy as image with caption,” “Add a comment,” “Chat in Teams,” “Spotlight,” or "Get insights."


Hi Team,

I was just curious if there was a way to disable the highlighted options when the report was published to PBI service portal.

Madhan Rommala

Hi @mrommala,
Thank you very much for posting your question in the forum.
I will investigate each of the options you mention and will keep you posted shortly.


Hi @mrommala,
I will tell you what I have been able to investigate to deactivate the following options:

  1. Copy as image with caption:
    This option can be disabled in Power BI Service by accessing the Configuration option of the Administration Portal.

  1. Add a comment:

This option can be disabled for each report. In Power BI Service, select the report and in the Settings option, disable the Allow users to add comments to this report option.

The problem is that when the report is republished, this option is turned back on. I don’t know if it’s a bug or if it works this way.

  1. Chat in Teams:
    This option can be disabled in Power BI Service by accessing the Configuration option of the Administration Portal.

For this option I have not found a way to deactivate it. I’m going to check it out in the Power BI community forum.

  1. Get insights
    This option can be disabled in Power BI Service by accessing the Configuration option of the Administration Portal.


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Thank you very much, @jafernandezpuga :smiley: , for your time and effort spent on my request.
It is very beneficial to us. Once again, I want to thank you for the detailed instructions & support :bowing_man:



Hi @mrommala,
Glad to have been able to help you.
The problem of having to disable the option to Add comments to a report in Power BI service every time the report is published is noted as an idea in the power bi community.
You can vote for it at the following link:

Regarding disabling the Spotlight option, I have created a query in the Power BI community forum and at the moment they have responded that this option does not exist.
