Hi friends,
my requirement is that i want to create a report in which i want to create a card visual which should show email id of the account from which he/she logged in power bi desktop. I tried to use USERPRINCIPALNAME() but its showing system id. Is there any way i can get user’s email id to display in power bi report? Who so ever open this pbix file his/her email id should be visible in card visual. Email id means the one from which he has login in power bi desktop.
I am able to achieve the requirement using USER AND USERPRINCIPALNAME while i publish to power bi service but not able to do it on power bi desktop level.
thanks and regards
Hi @praveer82
These Two functions gives different results in Power BI desktop and Power BI Service.
Desktop - DAX function returns the system login user locally, but in service the user login in the Power BI service.
We don’t have any function to get the Power BI desktop login user details.
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