How to search in enterprisedna site

I remember seeing a video by Sam on power bi tooltip.
I would like to find that very video in the enterprisedna site but unable to do so.
Can you find it?
if so, how do you search to find that very video?

Thank you

Hi @arkiboys ,

You can find videos on Magic Tooltips and the use of Power BI tooltips by Sam at Enterprise DNA in the following resources:

Magic of Tooltips: While the Advanced Tooltip Techniques by Tim Weinzapfel is found at this link:

To search for the topic such as above, in the seach field in your EDNA Learn dashbooard, you may put the keyword and results will show related videos on the topic.


Enterprise DNA Support Team

where do I find edna learn dashboard please?
thank you

Hi @arkiboys ,

Your EDNA Learn landing page, once you log in, is your platform dashboard. You can access it through this link:


Enterprise DNA Support Team