I recently completed the Financial Reporting course and have been working through various other EDNA modules for budgeting and forecasting (Budgeting & Forecasting mini-series, Business Analytics mini-series) and am now able to compare my budget to actual tables correctly using the budget allocation method outlined in the Budgeting and Forecating mini-series.
However, when I try to use my budget measures with the income statement template from the Financial Reporting course, the allocations do not correctly align w/ the dates in my template table.
Below is the “Selected Month Actual” formula from the Financial Reporting as well my modified “Selected Month Budget” formula that is not working correctly. Everything else related to my budget table is working correctly so I think its just me not understanding how the template works with the data. I’ve also included two of the measures used within the “Selected Month Budget” measure so that you can see how the measures within the Switch(True() section are set up.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
This works correctly, it is from the Financial Reporting Course
Selected Month Actuals_2 =
VAR CurrentItem = SELECTEDVALUE(‘Template IS’[Items (Normalized)])
CurrentItem = “Total Operating Revenue”, DIVIDE([Revenues_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Total Operating Expenses”, DIVIDE([Operating Expenses_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Total Cost of Goods Sold”, DIVIDE([COGS_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Gross Margin”, DIVIDE([Gross Margin_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Net Operating Income”, DIVIDE([Net Operating Income_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Income/(Loss) after Technology & Financing”, DIVIDE([Net Income after TF_2],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Income/(Loss) after Govt Stimulus”, DIVIDE([Net Income after Govt_2],1,0),
CALCULATE([Actuals_2 (000)],
Filter(‘IS Actuals’,‘IS Actuals’[Subcategory]=CurrentItem)))
Using the dax from above, I created this formula which is not working
Selected Month Budget =
VAR CurrentItem = SELECTEDVALUE(‘Template IS’[Items (Normalized)])
CurrentItem = “Total Operating Revenue”, DIVIDE([Budget Revenues],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Total Operating Expenses”, DIVIDE([Budget Operating Expenses],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Total Cost of Goods Sold”, DIVIDE([Budget COGS],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Gross Margin”, DIVIDE([Budget Gross Margin],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Net Operating Income”, DIVIDE([Budget Net Operating Income],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Income/(Loss) after Technology & Financing”, DIVIDE([Budget Net Income after TF],1,0),
CurrentItem = “Income/(Loss) after Govt Stimulus”, DIVIDE([Budget Net Income after Govt],1,0),
CALCULATE([Budget (000)],
Filter(‘IS Budget’,‘IS Budget’[Subcategory]=CurrentItem)))
Here are the measures within the switch(true above
Budget Revenues =
CALCULATE([Budget Allocation], ‘IS Budget’[Type] = “Revenues”)
Budget Allocation =
([Days in Date Context]/[Days in Year])*[Budget Income]
Budget Income =
Sum(‘IS Budget’[Amount])