How to get a list of Group members from Data Pane Groups

After creating a New Group in the Power BI Data Pane (by using the Other Options menu that comes up by right-clicking on a field name), is there any way to output the list of Group members to document and/or validate with stakeholders that the Group membership is correct?

My list of group members is too long to take a screenshot.

Hi @JulieCarignan,

Using Data Mentor built within the EDNA Platform:

How to get a list of Group members from Data Pane Groups?

To get a list of Group members from Data Pane Groups in Power BI, follow these steps:

Steps to Access Group Members

  1. Open Power BI Desktop: Launch the Power BI Desktop application.
  2. Navigate to the Data Pane: Locate the “Data” view in the left-hand panel.
  3. Find Groups: In the Data Pane, look for the section labeled “Groups.”
  4. Select the Group: Click on the group you want to examine. This will display all the fields associated with that group.
  5. View Group Members: You should now see a list of the group members (tables, columns, etc.) within the selected group.
  6. Export if Necessary: If you need to export the list, you can copy the list of group members and paste it into another application, such as Excel.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions set to view group members.
  • Use the filter options if necessary to narrow down the visibility of members in larger groups.

I hope this helps.

Data Mentor is a great tool to use ot help with solutions to an issue.


Thank you, Keith,
It’s #6 in the steps Data Mentor provided that is my question: I can’t find a way to export or copy the list of group members.

Does anyone know of a way to do that, or to get at the metadata or wherever the members are stored?


This doesn’t answer your question exactly, but I think you’d have better luck explicitly creating your groups, like in SQL BI’s Static Segmentation pattern.

Hi @JulieCarignan

It look like a manual process: I got this information from Data Mentor

To export group member information in Power BI, follow these steps:

Steps to Export Group Members

  1. Open Power BI Desktop: Start the application and open your report.
  2. Go to Data View: Click on the “Data” icon on the left sidebar to access the Data Pane.
  3. Locate Your Group: In the Data Pane, find and select the group from which you want to export members.
  4. Select the Data: Highlight the specific fields or tables within the group that you want to export.
  5. Copy the Data: Right-click on the selected data and choose the “Copy” option, or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C).
  6. Open Excel or a Text Editor: Launch a new Excel sheet or a text document where you want to paste the data.
  7. Paste the Data: Use the paste option (Ctrl + V) to insert the copied data into your selected application.

Additional Notes

  • If you need to export detailed reports or visuals, consider exporting to Excel or CSV directly from the report view.
  • Check data privacy settings if you encounter any issues while exporting.

This method allows you to manually export group member information for further analysis or sharing.


Hi @JulieCarignan,

Groups are added to the table, so there are a number of ways to obtain Group Members. Here’s a mock up, use export data from the table visual options.

Group members.pbix (35.3 KB)

I hope this is helpful

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Hi @JulieCarignan,

Has this been resolved?

Yes, thank you @Melissa. Using the CONCATENATEX function can meet my need to report on the members of a group that was created by the Group function in the Data pane. I appreciate your suggestion.

I’m coming to a theory, however, that using the DAX SWITCH() function, or entering the groups as data table, may be more transparent ways to create derived groups that have the advantage of being reusable across datasets.

I’d welcome feedback or further thoughts on this.

Many thanks,

Thanks @HufferD,
I appreciate your introducing that way of doing it.
It doesn’t apply in this case, however, because the segments have no pattern that is in the data; they’re dynamic groups of personnel who play a particular role or currently serve a need, so the logic of the grouping is only local knowledge that has to be entered to enrich the data.


That makes sense. If you haven’t, you also might want to check out the dynamic segmentation pattern.

Hi @JulieCarignan,

It’s generally best to add these groupings as far upstream as possible. Personally, I’ve never use New Group in the Power BI Data Pane since a Conditional Column in Power Query achieves the same result, but in a transparent and reusable way.

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Great point @Melissa, thank you for bringing that to my attention.