Hi @deltaselect,
Give this a go, just paste it in a new blank query in your PBIX file.
Source = Invoiced,
CreateDates = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Invoice date", each let myDate = [Date] in if ([Months]) >1 then List.Transform( {0..([Months]-1)}, each try Date.AddMonths( myDate, _ ) otherwise Date.EndOfMonth( Date.AddMonths( #date( Date.Year(myDate), Date.Month(myDate), 1), _ ))) else {[Date]} ),
ExpandDates = Table.ExpandListColumn(CreateDates, "Invoice date"),
AddValue = Table.AddColumn(ExpandDates, "Invoice value", each [Invoiced] / [Months])
First create an item for each Month using the list initializer { }
Built on this logic
- First get the “Date” from the current record.
- Test if there are rows to add
- Transform the list items into a date, not all months have the same number of days so if that returns an invalid date, calculate the last day of the month instead.
- If there are no rows to add, get the Date as a list
I hope this is helpful.