How to do Switch Statement for Multiple Columns Iteration


I was thinking along the same lines as @Melissa. If you unpivot your data and create a simple 1/0 dummy variable in Power Query, your DAX reduces down to two short measures:

Tests Passed = 

    SUM( 'Test Data Unpivoted'[Test Result Num]  ),
        'Test Data',
        'Test Data'[Trial   Number]
        VALUES( 'Test Data'[Trial   Number]),
        'Test Data Unpivoted'[Trial Number]

Pass Fail = 

VAR TotalTests = 4

IF( [Tests Passed] = TotalTests,


And this DAX will work for 4 tests or 4,000 tests, with the only change being to set the TotalTests variable to the proper number.

I hope this is helpful. Full solution file attached below.

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