How to display Prior year value (text format) using Calculate and ALLEXCEPT

Hi Experts,
I appreciate if you can shed some light on me
How can I show “ANSWER PRIOR YEAR” Column in the same table, BY PASSING THE CURRENTFILTER ON YEAR. I want the Current and Prior year to be dynamic. So with every new year’s data, I can only have the latest year compared to a year prior.

I have uploaded the image and workbook

I know VALUES isn’t correct to be used in my situation I am not sure what to use in “Red” for the expression in this calculate formula, i want to use allexcept to bypass the filter for year

ANSWER_Prior year = CALCULATE(values(Sheet1[ANSWER]),PARALLELPERIOD(Sheet1[Date],-1,YEAR),ALLEXCEPT(Sheet1,Sheet1[Question]))

Display value from last year.pbix (22.8 KB)

Hi @Maurice.Liu,

Interesting and very understandably question !

Hereby a solution for in Power BI: (possibly there are other solutions)

  1. Make a unique key with Power Query, “Add columns by Example” of “Org”, “small division” and “Question” together.
  2. Make 2 new tables with DAX of current and last year (DAX does it automatically with every new upload)
  3. Add a Lookup Formula in the Current Year table, searching for the Answer last year with the help of the Key, made in step 1.
    Be aware that Lookup gives a error if no unique value can be found. This can happen if for the same key double lines of information or no data exists in LY , therefore “NA” or “To be Checked” should be added as alternative option, see formula used.

See the report and used formulas below and in attached PBIX below.

Display value from last year.pbix (50.7 KB)

Ad 2 one of the two formulas used to create a new table:
TableCurrentyear =
var CY = RIGHT(YEAR( MAX(Sheet1[Date])),2)
CALCULATETABLE( Sheet1, Sheet1[FY] = “FY” & CY )

Ad 3 Formula used:
Tablelastyear[Key], TableCurrentyear[Key] ,“NA”)

Kind regards,


Welcome to the forum - great to have you here!

Questions like this one in Power BI likely would get six different answers from six different people – each of them valid. So, here’s a different approach than the one provided by @deltaselect, but that gets to the same final answer.

First thing in any time intelligence–related question I do is add Enterprise DNA Expert @Melissa’s awesome Extended Date Table to the data model and be sure to mark it as a date table.

I then created a concatenated ID of question number and small division, , and then used the incredibly powerful offset fields in the extended date table as the basis for the following measure:

Answer Prev Year = 
VAR SelFYOffset = SELECTEDVALUE( Dates[FiscalYearOffset] )
VAR LYFYOffset = SelFYOffset - 1

VAR Result =
    Dates[FiscalYearOffset] = LYFYOffset,
    Data[ID] = SelID,



If you are not familiar with the offset approach, I recommend the following video. This approach can be used to simply solve.a myriad of common and sometimes complex time intelligence problems.

I hope this is helpful. Full solution file attached below.


Thank you so much for the prompt help! I have tried it out today and it worked perfectly. Thanks for your help again and much appreciated!

Thanks so much for another way to resolve this issue. I haven’t had exposure to using offset and will certainly use it more.
much appreciated for your prompt help!

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