I know what I am trying to achieve but not really sure how to really begin to solve involves the following:
I have a Data query that has lots of rows, but one column specifically is the “License Type”.
The license types themselves are referenced in separate “Bundle” queries that contain the Bundle name and the license types.
In my PBIX file, I have included the sample queries and the desired final table. But I’ll explain what I am looking for here. In my final table, I am wanting to cross reference the Data query with the Bundle query and produce a column that shows all the License Types that were used in the Data query.
I’m having trouble figuring out where to begin because I know that there will be some License Types that are included in the bundle, but since they weren’t actually used, I want to omit them from the final “License Actually Used” column in my example table. License-Bundle.pbix (31.7 KB)
I hope I explained that correctly. Any help would be much appreciated.
See if this works for you.
Copy this script into a new blank query, in your supplied sample file. Important to note, I made sure your column names in both Bundle tables were named the same.
Source = #"Bundle 1" & #"Bundle 2",
GetData = Table.Group(Source, {"Bundle Name"}, {{"License per Bundle", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}, {"Licenses", each Text.Combine( List.Intersect( { _[License], Data[License Name] }, Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ), "#(cr)"), type text }})