How to Create Choropleth Map using Plotly Python in Power Bi

Hi Enterprise DNA,

I would like to ask how to plot Choropleth Map in power bi with a data set of Country, Region and Market Share Percent

iwant to create something like this on the abpved sample picture…but its giving me different image when i try to do it in plotly

Here’s my code
import as px
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(r’C:\Users\fadev02\Desktop\MarketShare.csv’)
fig = px.choropleth(data, locations=‘Country’, color=‘Market %’, hover_name=‘Region’,
title=‘Market Share Percent by Country’,
color_continuous_scale=[“red”, “green”, “blue”])
fig.update_layout(coloraxis_colorscale=[(0, “gray”), (0.1, “yellow”), (1, “purple”)])
MarketShare.csv (7.4 KB)


Bumping this post for more visibility from our experts and users.

Hello @sgrady, would you please upload your work in progress Power BI desktop file.

Also, does the Python code plot successfully when tested outside of the Power BI Python Visual? I did notice that Latitude and Longitude are missing from your data file. The interpretes according to locationmode and mapped to longitude/latitude coordinates, valid ISO Code or read from GeoJSON data .

Hello @sgrady

We notice that no response was received from you on the post above.

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Should you wish to add your masked demo pbix file and other supporting links and details, you can reopen this thread.

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