How to calculate missing blanks count in power bi

Hi All,

I am looking for some help, i have a table which has application names (1-20) and each application has 1 to 10 attributes (like fields) .
Now i need to calculate

  1. How many attributes are missing in each application
  2. How many applications are missing attributes - Total count of missing applications
    ex: i have 20 applications for 11 of them have all the attributes and 9 are missing
    i have to show missing attributes are 9 out of 20 applications

Below is the table for example , look for some help in creating this in power bi

Application Names Attributes 1 Attributes 2 Attributes 3 Attributes 4 Attributes 5 Missing Attributes
Application 1 Yes Yes 3
Application 2 Yes No Yes No Yes 0
Application 3 No No No 2
Application 4 Yes Yes 3
Application 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
Application 6 No No No No No 0
Application 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
Application 8 No Yes No Yes No 0
Application 9 Yes No Yes No Yes 0
Application 10 No Yes No Yes No 0
Application 11 Yes No Yes No Yes 0
Application 12 No No No 2
Application 13 Yes Yes 3
Application 14 Yes No Yes No Yes 0
Application 15 No No No 2
Application 16 Yes Yes 3
Application 17 No No 3
Application 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
Application 19 No No No No No 0
Application 20 5
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@Nagi_k I would suggest you do it in Power Query, paste this code in Power Query editor

    Source = Table.FromRows (
        Json.Document (
            Binary.Decompress (
                Binary.FromText (
            _t = ( ( type nullable text ) meta [ Serialized.Text = true ] )
            type table [ #"Application Names" = _t, #"Attributes 1" = _t, #"Attributes 2" = _t, #"Attributes 3" = _t, #"Attributes 4" = _t, #"Attributes 5" = _t ]
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes (
            { "Application Names", type text },
            { "Attributes 1", type text },
            { "Attributes 2", type text },
            { "Attributes 3", type text },
            { "Attributes 4", type text },
            { "Attributes 5", type text }
    MissingAttribute = Table.AddColumn (
        "Missing Attribute", 
            YesNoList = { "Yes", "No" },
            CurrentRow = _,
            ToList = Record.ToList ( CurrentRow ),
            RemoveFirstColumn = List.RemoveFirstN ( ToList, 1 ),
            RemoveYesNo = List.RemoveItems ( RemoveFirstColumn, YesNoList ),
            CountListValues = List.Count ( RemoveYesNo )

and then in the model you can create 4 measures:

Not Missing Overall = 
    COUNTROWS ( Nagi ),
    Nagi[Missing Attribute] = 0,


Missing Overall = 
    COUNTROWS ( Nagi ),
    Nagi[Missing Attribute] <> 0,


Not Missing = 
    COUNTROWS ( Nagi ),
    Nagi[Missing Attribute] = 0


Missing = 
    COUNTROWS ( Nagi ),
    Nagi[Missing Attribute] <> 0




@AntrikshSharma and I were working on this at the same time. He got to the finish line faster, but for the sake of learning and interest, here’s my solution which is a Power Query/DAX hybrid.

I first referenced the original table and then unpivoted all the attribute columns, then joined the original table (which became the Applications dimension table) to the unpivoted data using a 1:M relationship on Application Name.

I then wrote the two DAX measures to count missing attributes and incomplete applications:

Count Missing Attributes = 
    COUNTROWS( 'Data Unpivoted' ),
    'Data Unpivoted'[Answer] = BLANK(),
    ALLEXCEPT( Applications, Applications[Application Name]  )

Inomplete Application = 
    COUNTROWS( Applications ),
    FILTER( Applications, [Count Missing Attributes] > 0  )

Here’s what it looks like all put together:

I hope this is helpful. Full solution file attached.

  • Brian

eDNA Forum - Incomplete Applications Solution.pbix (27.4 KB)


Thanks Brian,

But what if i have applications are around 3000(Count of application names) and column attributes are around 70 to 100.

Will this still work.

Hi @Nagi_k

@AntrikshSharma @BrianJ both expert have given answer but I will also add my solution as below.

Create a LookUpTable from the data using below Power Query code:

You can replace the first line with actual data source.

    Source = RawData,
    #"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Application Names"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Unpivoted Other Columns", "Custom", each if Text.Length([Value]) = 0 then 1 else 0),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Added Custom", {"Application Names"}, {{"Missing Attributes", each List.Sum([Custom]), type nullable number}})
    #"Grouped Rows"

Output should be as below.

And Merge this with Actual data. Use below code.

    Source = RawData,
    #"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin(Source, {"Application Names"}, LookUpTable, {"Application Names"}, "LookUpTable", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    ExpandLookUpTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries", "LookUpTable", {"Missing Attributes"}, {"Missing Attributes"}),
    #"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(ExpandLookUpTable, {"Application Names"}, "Attribute", "Value")
    #"Unpivoted Other Columns"

Below screen FYR, you can disable the load for Other tables except Data as shown below.

You can then create below measure just to count missing values.

Count of Missing Attributes = 
VAR NonMissingAtt =
        COUNT('Data'[Application Names]),
        'Data'[Value] = "0"
VAR TotalAttCount = DISTINCTCOUNT( 'Data'[Application Names] )
VAR Result = TotalAttCount - NonMissingAtt

Below screen shot is the output FYR.




I think it would still run pretty quickly, since the unpivoted fact table is structured long and thin (lots of rows, few columns) which is optimal for DAX.

  • Brian

Thanks @AntrikshSharma,

Instead of Yes and No what if i have values like this,

Application Names Attributes 1 Attributes 2 Attributes 3 Attributes 4 Attributes 5 Missing Attributes
dghewrhwh ehllng dfnjrt 3
h4hnD hannpo kjbklg lkblkeg rjrej rjer 0
rjre l;lj;ge kjngkln rjrej 2
fdnteajm Yes rhj 3
djretj nnlkdsg Yes rhrh rejre hrerhhr 0
drjeatj segwrg No rehm rhreh hrh 0
rjetj geegew Yes hrreh rhej rherb 0
drjer ghwrh Yes er erjerj jraetj 0
drjetjn hwrh No hrreh reje5j rheetj 0
rehrej hrrwh Yes net erjej rhrhj 0
rjerj hrwrh No rahreh rej5e rjrea 0
jertj hw5 rnhreh rehjr 2
jtejetj Yes hrej 3
jrej rherwh No rntteh r ghre 0
rjtej hrhjj rhreh rehjr 2
rejerj reh rh53y 3
erjrj rhreh fdhreh 3
rrw4rjn erhe5 dherh rehm rehy4y rhj5 0
rejreu rejherj rherh hrea4 rh53y rahjk 0
reure 5

Appreciate your help here !

@Nagi_k Then just replace the last varible with this:

MissingAttribute = Table.AddColumn (
    "Missing Attribute", 
        CharacterToRemove = { "" },
        CurrentRow = _,
        ToList = Record.ToList ( CurrentRow ),
        RemoveFirstColumn = List.RemoveFirstN ( ToList, 1 ),
        OriginalListCount = List.Count ( RemoveFirstColumn ),
        RemoveCharacters = List.RemoveItems ( RemoveFirstColumn, CharacterToRemove ),
        CountListValues = OriginalListCount - List.Count ( RemoveCharacters )

HI @Nagi_k

Based on your new data I just want to update Power Query for the LookUpTable as below in which I have removed the hardcoded value of “Yes” and “No” with count of char, it might help you/other users.

    Source = RawData,
    #"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Application Names"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Unpivoted Other Columns", "Custom", each if Text.Length([Value]) = 0 then 1 else 0),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Added Custom", {"Application Names"}, {{"Missing Attributes", each List.Sum([Custom]), type nullable number}})
    #"Grouped Rows"

Also reupdated my previous post.

Thank @MK3010

Imagine in my table it doesn’t have missing attributes information, then how will i get the output.

As i can see you have used missing attributes in your query

Could you please help me here

Thanks @AntrikshSharma

One last help instead of Attributes 1, Attributes 2 , i have 64 columns(Like server, network…etc) with different names instead of Attributes 1 …2 …5

In that case how do i proceed like below

Application Names Server Network Storage APM Soemthing
dghewrhwh ehllng dfnjrt
h4hnD hannpo kjbklg lkblkeg rjrej rjer
rjre l;lj;ge kjngkln rjrej
fdnteajm Yes rhj
djretj nnlkdsg Yes rhrh rejre hrerhhr
drjeatj segwrg No rehm rhreh hrh
rjetj geegew Yes hrreh rhej rherb
drjer ghwrh Yes er erjerj jraetj
drjetjn hwrh No hrreh reje5j rheetj
rehrej hrrwh Yes net erjej rhrhj
rjerj hrwrh No rahreh rej5e rjrea
jertj hw5 rnhreh rehjr
jtejetj Yes hrej
jrej rherwh No rntteh r ghre
rjtej hrhjj rhreh rehjr
rejerj reh rh53y
erjrj rhreh fdhreh
rrw4rjn erhe5 dherh rehm rehy4y rhj5
rejreu rejherj rherh hrea4 rh53y rahjk

@Nagi_k My solution doesn’t depend on the column names, so it will work for this data too.

Thanks @BrianJ

What if the table looks like this ,

  1. how do i count blanks for each Application
  2. How many applications has blanks (Distinct Count)
    Ex: 20 applications , 11 are showing all as the values and 9 applications has blanks
Application Names Server Network Storage APM Soemthing
dghewrhwh ehllng dfnjrt
h4hnD hannpo kjbklg lkblkeg rjrej rjer
rjre l;lj;ge kjngkln rjrej
fdnteajm Yes rhj
djretj nnlkdsg Yes rhrh rejre hrerhhr
drjeatj segwrg No rehm rhreh hrh
rjetj geegew Yes hrreh rhej rherb
drjer ghwrh Yes er erjerj jraetj
drjetjn hwrh No hrreh reje5j rheetj
rehrej hrrwh Yes net erjej rhrhj
rjerj hrwrh No rahreh rej5e rjrea
jertj hw5 rnhreh rehjr
jtejetj Yes hrej
jrej rherwh No rntteh r ghre
rjtej hrhjj rhreh rehjr
rejerj reh rh53y
erjrj rhreh fdhreh
rrw4rjn erhe5 dherh rehm rehy4y rhj5
rejreu rejherj rherh hrea4 rh53y rahjk

Hi @Nagi_k

If you don’t have any missing attributes then also it will work. The measure “Count of Missing Attributes” will be equal to number of Application. It will work with N number of columns and also don’t not depend on column names.



I can see in the below Query you have written Attributes 1, attributes 2

Source = Table.FromRows (
Json.Document (
Binary.Decompress (
Binary.FromText (
_t = ( ( type nullable text ) meta [ Serialized.Text = true ] )
type table [ #“Application Names” = _t, #“Attributes 1” = _t, #“Attributes 2” = _t, #“Attributes 3” = _t, #“Attributes 4” = _t, #“Attributes 5” = _t ]
ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes (
{ “Application Names”, type text },
{ “Attributes 1”, type text },
{ “Attributes 2”, type text },
{ “Attributes 3”, type text },
{ “Attributes 4”, type text },
{ “Attributes 5”, type text }

Thanks @MK3010

Actually it is working ,
but if i have a date column in it and has some date format 1/1/2017 like this and that also has some blanks…
Due to which i am getting an error while working on it

Application Names Server Network Storage Inception Date APM Soemthing
dghewrhwh ehllng dfnjrt
h4hnD hannpo kjbklg lkblkeg 1/1/2017 rjrej rjer
rjre l;lj;ge kjngkln rjrej
fdnteajm Yes rhj
djretj nnlkdsg Yes rhrh rejre hrerhhr
drjeatj segwrg No rehm 1/1/2017 rhreh hrh
rjetj geegew Yes hrreh rhej rherb
drjer ghwrh Yes er erjerj jraetj
drjetjn hwrh No hrreh 2/2/2021 reje5j rheetj
rehrej hrrwh Yes net erjej rhrhj
rjerj hrwrh No rahreh rej5e rjrea
jertj hw5 rnhreh rehjr
jtejetj Yes hrej
jrej rherwh No rntteh r ghre
rjtej hrhjj rhreh rehjr
rejerj reh rh53y
erjrj rhreh fdhreh
rrw4rjn erhe5 dherh rehm rehy4y rhj5
rejreu rejherj rherh hrea4 rh53y rahjk

@Nagi_k It is a bad practice to keep changing your requirement, everyone here are operating on their limited off work time! Make sure going forward you specify everything at once.

@AntrikshSharma , While i got the solution which you guys provided.

i didnt notice that i have a date in my columns.

Next time everything at once for sure …

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No problem, it helps in keeping the posts short and to the point :slight_smile:

i found the solution , i converted to dates to text and it worked

Thank you guys …

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