How to calculate Asking rate for the month, Quarter & Year?

Hello Fellow Power BI Users -

We are tracking / analyzing production performance of 5 manufacturing locations in PBI.

We have monthly plan and actual. For the current month is it possible to calculate the asking rate in Power BI ?

Asking Rate for the month = 
Plan Quantity + [ [ Plan Quantity - Actual Quantity ] / Completed working days ]

I have attached the marked-up PPT file and Power BI file for referencePBI Asking Rate.pptx (94.2 KB)

ProdPerformance.pbix (1.5 MB)

Just been looking at the model. I’m going to need more guidance here as it’s very detailed and it would take me a lot of time to understand it all.

Can we really just break down exactly the calculation you need here.

I don’t really know where these come from

Asking Rate for the month =
Plan Quantity + [ [ Plan Quantity - Actual Quantity ] / Completed working days ]


Are these measures or columns?

I’m looking at this page and can’t see them

I understand these are the variance


But then asking rate? I’m not really sure how you get to there from here?


The strategy with things like this is really try to break things down into small parts and then build them back up again.

I always like to start with as clear a page as possible and then work through each element of a more complex formula. That way I can understand each part and know how it works within a table or with any particular context

I really recommend doing this if something is confusing you here.

Step things out as much as possible.



Thanks for the detailed explanation.

  1. Your first question on the formula - Whether it is column name or measure ?

I just wrote formula for calculating the asking rate. Given below is the formula that I have used to calculate the asking rate

P2 Asking rate = IF( ISBLANK( [P2 Avg/day]), BLANK(),
                    [P2 Plan AVG/day] + (( [P2 Plan AVG/day] - [P2 Avg/day] ) / [P2 WorkingDays]) )

I have attached the PPT file with variance calculated for the current month for all the plants

You idea to break things down into small parts is very true and thanks for that.

PBI Asking Rate.pptx (118.9 KB)

ProdPerformance.pbix (1.5 MB)

Ok that’s great.