How can I create a trellis chart like this in deneb using vega-lite where the x-axis values come from two different tables in powerbi?

How can I create a trellis chart like this in deneb using vega-lite where the x-axis values come from two different tables in powerbi?

I was able to create it using inforiver as seen in screenshot but is there a way to do something similar with deneb. I know how to do it if the two y-axis values refer to two different categories for the same Y-axis field but that’s not the case here.

Hi @samueldips62. For next steps, please upload a sample PBIX file that contains a sample of the data you wish to display … the sample PBIX should also be updated with 2 individual Deneb visuals, one for each “facet” of the desired trellis, and I’ll review how to combine them into a single composite visual.