I have a sample file that contains the result I’m looking for. I want to track values over time of invoices that were over 90 days late. What was my over 90 day value two months ago based on my invoices and payments over time.
Hi @Usates - The Requirement is not clear. How are you getting values for 600 for June/July and So on. Please provide more information and share the requirements with an example in Excel.
Sorry but I’m away from my computer and on my cell so I can’t give the specific invoice number but if you look, you will see $600 worth of invoice that were over 90 overdue, without payment at the end of June. Then you will see that there were $600 worth of invoices that were over 90 overdue without payment at the end of July.
Based off of past invoices and payments, I want to show historical values of “90+ days overdue”, at the end of each month. How much did we have over 90 days overdue at the end of June, end of July, end of Aug…….