Help with Parameters / placeholders in Paginated report

The situation I have is that a payout report needs to be generated every month, but every 3rd month the report generated should be a quarterly report.

Now I know that If I just place a parameter that allows the multiple selection of months, I get the required result. However, under the of the report I prefer to have a ‘Period’ mentioned. Something like Period: Q3 or Period: July 2022, Aug 2022, Sept 2022

In this case, if create a placeholder, it only displays a single value even if Multiple months have been selected in the parameter. (I am not aware if there is a way to show multiple values using a place holder, if so, that could be my solution)

So, I was thinking if there was a way to set a parameter Asking for a report to be Quarterly or Monthly report. And based on this selection, a Second Parameter may become visible either showing Quarters or Months (single selection in both cases)

This will help me display the selected value in the placeholder on the report

Any Suggestions or guidance to reference material will be helpful.


Hi @jps, saw this video in Sue Bayes’s course, Paginated Report Writer II, where she explains how to create a parameter to filter more than one value.

You may access the course inside Enterprise DNA On-Demand

I hope this will be helpful to your query.


Thank you @EnterpriseDNA for sharing the information. I’ll go through it.

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