HELP! How can I derive a daily budget figure from monthly budget data?

Hey guys,

Even though I consider myself to have intermediate DAX and data modelling skills, I have this real world challenge to solve, and I don’t know where to begin.

I have a sales budget table with monthly budget data for each of our 25 branches. I’m currently analysing actual sales data by calendar week (Monday to Sunday), and I want to compare that against our budget data. Therefore, our budget data needs to be flexible enough to analyse by day, and group into weeks.

I’m not sure how to tackle this. I’m thinking the best way to do this would be to create a virtual table cross referencing branch by date. I can do this with a matrix visual ( see attached), but I need to be a data source rather than a visual.

Has anyone ever tackled anything like this before? Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Please review these videos in depth. It’s goes through this in detail

You can also download the resource for this one.

For all other budgeting examples, work you’re way through the extensive tutorials in this module

Also here’s another good session to review around how to set up everything effectively here.

