November 9, 2018, 10:14am
My DAX for the Margin is simply
Project Margin Pct = DIVIDE([Project Margin],[Total Revenue],0)
The proble I have is when the Revenue is Negative and the Project Margin is Negative, the Margin is showing as a positive, when it should really be a negative.
In Excel I would do something like…
=IF(‘Total Revenue’<0,-IFERROR(‘Project Margin’/‘Total Revenue’,0),IFERROR(‘Project Margin’/‘Total Revenue’,0))*100
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November 9, 2018, 10:38am
Sorted it, but not sure if this is the most elegant solution.
Project Margin Pct = IF([Total Revenue]<0,-DIVIDE([Project Margin],[Total Revenue],0),DIVIDE([Project Margin],[Total Revenue],0))
Hi Neville,
Best formula I’ve found for dealing with this is as follows:
= IFERROR( [Project Margin] / ABS([Revenue]), 0)
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November 15, 2018, 2:00pm
Never thought of using ABS, but so much better. Thanks