FYPeriodEnd NOT EOM or same day each year

We have a FYPeriodEnd date that is:

  1. Not the last day of the month
  2. Not the same day of month each year

In research I have seen it 2 ways:

  1. BIG calendar with everything
  2. SEPARATE calendars: Primary and Fiscal (2 of them)

Thoughts on best setup for many visuals using run charts with dates.
FINANCIAL Run Charts = based on FYPeriodEnd Dates
OPERATIONAL Run Charts = Based on CYEOM Dates

Calendar Data Model.pbix (584.3 KB)


I am a very big proponent of the large single date table approach. I think it makes data modeling and DAX simpler, reduces the likelihood of error, makes the model more transparent to users and other developers who may have to work with this model in the future.

I always start with @Melissa’s Extended Date Table, and then add whatever individual specialized fields I might need.

– Brian

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Thank you Brian for the follow up.

Here are my thoughts on my approach forward, and I welcome direct feedback including “That’s Crazy” which will make me rethink this approach.

Our Fiscal Months do not:

  • end on the last day of the month

  • end on the same day of the month each year

Our audience is interested in seeing the date for the FYPeriodEnd, not period 1, period2, etc
I think the most efficient path forward is to create one big calendar in excel with the FY Columns included (as we communicated yesterday). Each year we add the new fiscal year dates and associated fields. I’ll publish that dataset to the PowerBI Service for use by other developers.

Hi @DMercier, did the response provided by @BrianJ help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!


FYI - @Melissa just released a great video today talking about the current version of the Extended Date Table and how to easily modify it to meet your particular needs:

  • Brian