I am looking to create an end of year forecast figure.
The line chart that can do forward forecasting is kind of what I need however.
What is missing is I need to take an end of year forecast number and display that in a table or a card.
I need to be able to specify a date at which I want it to produce the forecast.
e.g No matter what month it is I want the figure to show what the forecast will be on the 31/12/2021.
Hi @trwatts
I would write a measure something like.
Card Amount =
CALCULATE([ForecastNumber],FILTER(ALLSELECTED(Dates),Dates[Year] = Max(Dates[Year])))
I was assuming you already had a forecast number, but just wanted to show the full year forecast in a card.
if you haven’t calculated the forecast number there will be various ways to do this. Reading your initial post I guess you want actuals as far as they go and then a forecast for balance of year. So if you are in November then you have actuals for Jan-Oct and need 2 months forecast.
If so depends on your business logic as to how the forecast is worked out. Options:
Prepare a separate table for forecast and append it to your actual table. (Useful if the business is very erratic and cannot use historic trends). Your fact table then has both actual and forecast in it. So will need a column to identify Actual and Forecast.
2.Use DAX to extrapolate a forecast from the actual data. You will still need some business logic first before you tackle the DAX. and you will need a marker in your calendar table to determine where actuals stop and forecast starts.
If you upload a PBIX with some more info as to what you’re trying to achieve then happy to have a go.
Hello @trwatts, just following up if the response from @BINavPete help you solve your inquiry?
We’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since November 5. In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.
Hi @trwatts, due to inactivity, a response on this post has been tagged as “Solution”. If you have any concern related to this topic, please create a new thread.
Sorry for the very late reply. @BINavPete I have the solution you have listed in there already.
What I would like is the Forecast in the line chart option that will make a forecast within a certain degree of certainty. I would like to get the values for that line for the months in the future and be able to use them in table or card etc.