Formula instead of Summarized table

I was wondering if there is a way to instead of using the below summarized table formula to have just used a measure from the main table that accomplishes the same outcome, which would be counting the number of courses by unique student determined by [Student ID]. The trick is I would need to make sure the outcome allows me to get a count of the student’s courses by [Academic Year].

Everything that I would use in a visual is already inside the below summarized table. My model has become very complex and I am looking for ways to simply things because I have so many connected tables and this is the only summarized one.

WW Completed Courses = 
    'WW Registrations',
    [Student ID],
    [Academic Year],
    [Academic Year End Academic Career],
    [Academic Year End Academic Plan No Roll-up Description],
    [Gender Description],
    [Age Groups],
    [Ethnicity (IPEDS)],
    "Completed Courses", COUNTA('WW Registrations'[Student ID]))

I would be interesting in seeing your whole model. There might be several ways of making it less complex. If you’d like to do a screen share email me ken at 8thfold dot com and we can schedule a session. It seems like you would be better to count the courses in the context of an academic year than to first summarize them and then try and break them back down for the count.