I was wondering if there is a way to instead of using the below summarized table formula to have just used a measure from the main table that accomplishes the same outcome, which would be counting the number of courses by unique student determined by [Student ID]
. The trick is I would need to make sure the outcome allows me to get a count of the student’s courses by [Academic Year]
Everything that I would use in a visual is already inside the below summarized table. My model has become very complex and I am looking for ways to simply things because I have so many connected tables and this is the only summarized one.
WW Completed Courses =
'WW Registrations',
[Student ID],
[Academic Year],
[Academic Year End Academic Career],
[Academic Year End Academic Plan No Roll-up Description],
[Gender Description],
[Age Groups],
[Ethnicity (IPEDS)],
"Completed Courses", COUNTA('WW Registrations'[Student ID]))