Formatting measure

Hello to All,

I have a slicer in my report allowing to switch my measure between $ / units.
The data needs to be presented as a bar chart.

Because the value is by defaut shown as number, I had to include ''FORMAT (Measure) "#,##0" ‘’ so it shows as currency.

It works great when I use a table but when I use that measure inside of a chart I dont get any result.

If I my understanding is ok, it comes down to the FORMAT function converting my measure as text.

Is there any other function or way I could use to meet my requirement ?

Thanks for the help,

CedricFormat Measures.pbix (48.2 KB)

If you only need to switch the measure being used for the table visual, I recommend bookmarks

with a few tricks, you can even have a bookmark that looks like it’s a visual filter:

image image

image image

For the attached solution, I created two pairs of buttons, each pair has an “On” state, and a “Show” state
I opened the Selection pang, and named the buttons, so it was clear what which button was for “On” and which was for “Show”
the “On” state has only the default dark box (like Amt in the image above) The "Show" state is the interactive button, so I actually changed the icons between 'default', 'hover', and 'press' (this isn't necessary - but I like to give my users the a clue that this is interactive) I made sure that the Amt buttons overlapped one another, and the Unit buttons overlapped each other.

I next, I made chart visuals, one using the “Sum $” measure, the other using “Sum Unit”
And I made sure the charts overlapped as well

Finally, I created two bookmarks
Units Bookmark has this state for the visuals:

and the show/hide state is reverse for the Amt bookmark:

Finally - the appropriate bookmarks were attached to the “Show” buttons

solution is attachedeDNA Solution - Bookmarks to switch Measures.pbix (49.6 KB)

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Thank you Heather I was thinking about bookmarks as a 2nd option.
I am going to give your proposition a try.
Best regards,

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Hi @Cedric, did the response provided by @Heather help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!