Filtering Problem - Donut Chart to Table

I have a problem with the filtering the visualizations on a PBI report.

The problem manifests itself whenever I attempt to filter between any of the visualizations on the report. For the purposes of explanation, I’ll use a Donut Chart and a table.

If anyone wishes to explore this issue, please use the ‘Client Details’ page of the PBI report.

Essentially, the filtering is inconsistent. Before going any further, I’ve checked the Editing Interactions between the visualizations. After “activating” the Donut Chart, I turn on the Filter in the Table, I wish to filter. If I click one of the segments of the Donut Chart, it will filter the Table correctly. After that, the filtering becomes inconsistent. If a click on another segment of the Donut Chart, it may filter the table, or it may not. Eventually, the filtering fails.


I’m creating a report that is based upon the “Banking Clients” XL file from the Practice Data folder in Edna.

When I examined the file, I noticed that there were duplicates based upon Client ID. That is, there were multiple Bank Clients with different names having the same Client ID. I eliminated the dups until there was a one-to-one relationship between Client ID and Client Name. Also, I deleted all blank rows in the XL file. The file I imported into PBI contained 2949 records.

In PQE, I transformed the data until I had two tables, one Lookup table, one Fact table, each with 2949 rows. The Lookup table contained basic identifying data for each Bank Client to be used for filtering, the Fact table contained data about account and loan balances, essentially dates and numbers.

I tried to establish a “One to One” relationship between the tables with a Cross Filtering Direction = Single. PBI flagged an error, “The filter direction you selected isn’t valid for this relationship”. I then established a “One to Many” relationship from the Lookup table to the Fact table. I reviewed the modeling - it shows a One to Many relationship flowing from the Lookup table to the Fact table.

Here are the PBIX file and the underlying XL file.

Banking Clients.xlsx (900.9 KB)
Banking Clients.pbix (1.1 MB)

@JohnG ,

Your transformations and data modeling look good to me (although Date table needs to be connected to the fact table).

See if changing this option for the report addresses your problems. The default cross-highlighting option can at times produce results that are difficult to interpret. In his terrific Best Practices series, @Greg recommends resetting this to cross-filtering as a general best practice.

  • Brian

Hello Brian:

Thank you for the prompt response on a weekend afternoon.

I figured out the problem. It goes back to my touchpad which has worn out due to use. I connected to a mouse a few minutes ago, and there’s no problem.

I was aware of the issue with the date connectivity. I haven’t reached the point of development in which I’m using dates.

Nice and steamy in DC today?

Thanks, again.

John Giles


Hi Brian:

Everything is fine with the filtering, now that I’m using a mouse.

Thanks again for jumping into this request so soon and in such depth.


John Giles

@JohnG ,

Sure thing. I’m just glad you diagnosed the real problem so quickly. I could have envisioned us tearing this model apart searching for the cause, only to find much later the answer was “John needs to buy a new tablet”. :laughing:

  • Brian