Hi @AliB, in order to help you with your inquiry, please answer @Kumail’s clarification above. Thanks!
Hi Kumail
In the updated file I sent there is an expired contract and it was that to which I was referring.
If we look at the latest file you sent there are 2 Active contracts as you have stated but each of those contracts only has 1 product
For the customer / Product Table I would only expect to see a 1 in the Bottle and Helmet columns for Account Name 1
However as you can see it is incorrectly returning that this customer has active contracts Bikes, Bottles, Helmet and Tyres
Below is the same visual from the original file before we got the contact filter working which is returning what I would expect to see.
Thank you again for all the help it is much appreciated.
Hello @AliB
Given the formula that is used to calculate total products by customer,
Here # Products are those in quote details
that are Preferred = True and Status = Renew.
Given this for AccountID = Account1, we have 5 ProdIDs
When these ProdIDs when selected in Product table, we have 4 product categories.
And when these product categories are selected Product Categories table then we have
bottle, bikes, tyres, and helmet. And this is what exactly the current visual is showing.
I hope this answers the query.
Kumail Raza
Thanks Kumail
That formula is one that you changed
In the original file it worked as per my screen shots