Is it possible to show the higher level data and not filter all the way through?
For e.g.: Here if someone clicks on the 80.7 in the graph, then in the table below instead of showing just that row, show everything (like in figure 2).
No, that’s not the issue here. I know about “Edit Interactions”.
What I am looking for is: Even if you click on blue piece of the bar for Executive in the chart then showing “1-White” value for “Executive” in the table, I want to see all the ethnicities for Executive in the table.
If it helps, I posted this question on another forum and came close but that’s not the correct answer yet.
So I had filter in the filter pan as A,L,P as I described above. For some reason, I was not getting correct value when you were hovering on the smaller ethnicities. So I added this filter in the DAX code. I think it is called Context Transitioning? But I don’t know.
After adding it in DAX code, it works for all the scenarios. I hope it makes sense and thanks for your help!