I have a matrix displaying a sum of sales quantity and I have a slicer picking date periods.
I am displaying the sum of sales qty. I am also displaying the sum of sales for all dates (using ALL()) and that is working fine.
I am also attempting to show the sales quantity for date period 1 inside the matrix as a baseline and that is not working. I expected my stated filter context to replace the existing filter context, but it seems to be getting intersected. If date period 1 is in the slicer selection, it displays correctly, but if date period 1 is not, it is blank.
I hope I’m just doing something silly here, but if this can’t work for some reason, I would have to remove the visual filter and then “manually” apply the slicer to the salesqty. I tried that in the second matrix but couldn’t get that working either.
As you pointed it out correctly, that there must be something silling happening here and yes it does.
So since you wanted to achieve the results for “Date Period 1” irrespective of the slicer selection. There will just be a minor tweak in the formula. Just remove the “FILTER” function from the formula and place it as “FILTER” condition inside the “CALCULATE” function directly and you’ll get the results. So this is how the formula will be -
And now, if you make any selections into the slicer it’ll not affect the results and will continue to show the results for Date Period 1. Below is the screenshot of the results provided for the reference -