I’m trying to deconstruct a nightmare excel sheet that has so many vlookups and tabs it crashes 9 times out of 10 upon opening and the data feeds are inconsistently inconsistent and trying to get things to line up is definitely pushing my BI skills.
I’m slowing getting there BUT I’m scratching my head as to why I can’t make a slicer use the measure called Reorder. I can embed a filter on the field but I know the end user will expect to toggle the yes or no option by brand/style.
I’m sure there’s a simple reason and/or a way to rephrase the DAX to allow a slicer to be applied on this field but for the life of me I’m not finding ideas via forum searches.
This is possible using the “Button and Bookmarks” technique.
So just create two table visuals i.e. one table with the condition filtered as “ReOrder Status = Y” and other one as “ReOrder Status = N”. Now, overlay one table visual over another and apply the Bookmarks technique.
Below is the screenshot of the final results provided for the reference -
Interesting solution. Definitely gets to the end result I’ve been looking for.
The more I’ve been pondering this the more I’m starting to think the reason a DAX IF Measure can’t be used as a slicer is as it’s evaluated on each value and not ‘really’ a saved value…
another option is a disconnected table showing Yes or No as the row values, a “SELECTEDVALUE” measure to return what is selected in the disconnected table, a final measure that returns a value of 1 if the row is equal to the SELECTEDVALUE return, then filter your table (as you have done in your sample) on the final measure to show only if the value is a 1.
This forum post demonstrates with a sample report: