Filter issue with the visual

Hi there,

I am plotting power consumption across 24 hours of the day as shown in the picture.

On the left-hand side of the picture, I have few filters. The time of day filter has four values: Morning (from 5 am to 8.59 am), Day (from 9 am to 15:59 ), Evening (16:00 to 21:59), and night (from 22:00 to 4:59). I have coded Time of day values into Time table with the following code:

When I select the value from time of day filter the line chart visual updates and line chart shows only hours that come into that value as shown in the following picture. For example, if I select the day from time of day filter, line chart shows hour from 9 am to 15.

The problem comes in when I select the night value from the time of day filter, it shows all hours of the day as shown in the following picture:

The red marked area should not appear. Ideally, it should not show, or at least it does not show the orange line showed in the red marked area. I am not sure how to get rid away from the line or show only selected hours. Any help would be really appreicated.
Sample here

Hi @leo_89.

The line chart is doing exactly what you asked of it; with a “Continuous” x-axis, Power BI will draw a straight line between the available data, so you get the line as per your sample.

I did a copy-and-paste of your line chart, changed the visual type of the copy to a table, and believe that the data is being represented as you wish. To get the line chart to display only the hours of interest, change the x-axis type from “Continuous” to “Categorical”.

Hope this helps.

P.S.: Your file is huge (over 1 GB). Please filter the data before making any future postings to a small sample that illustrates your issue; I was fortunate to have a fast connection and a fast machine, but there will be other forum members who may not be able to help as they won’t be able to access your file.


Thanks @Greg . As always you are very helpful.

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