Filter Context? Numbers okay until a certain table field is applied (Added)

Okay - so what I noticed when trying to put this together was that PO number can be repeated on the Receipting Table, so that isn’t going to work for our index between the two (even though PO fills up to technically link the load and the receipt tables.

So, my solution was to still add an index column, then combine that with your PO column (so that PO 4503039297 at Index line 35 combines in a new column to create custom index 35::4503039297, or null if the PO is null)
I then fill up the new Custom Index, so now the receipting line and all the lines above it have a unique value. That Custom Index is carried through to the two fact tables and used to link them.

And, I think you’ll agree, the totals look more realistic:

oops, and here’s the file DEMO DATA Forum (update HR 2).xlsx (2.4 MB)

Hi Heather,

Sorry for the late reply, been really busy this afternoon!

Just had a good look through the PQ workings and new Pivot table look.

Definitely looking a lot better.

Love your custom made index, very clever approach, totally get what you have done there and I can easily follow the link path through both tables - brilliant.

I will now set at implementing your logic into my full model.

Thanks again for your hard work and support with my Data Model


Glad to hear it looks solid - sorry again that I started with such a torturous path at first :slight_smile:
Good luck with the rest of the project.

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