I’m trying to extract a string from a column, it is an error code and it will be found in between the text “errorcode:” and “errormessage”. Not every row will contain an error message. The error code will be a number ranging from 1 digits up to 5 or 6 (Potentially more)
This is for my boss and it is a Tabular Model build. I’m aware that this sort of text extraction is best handled in Power Query but unsure if the Tabular Model can do this or not so it may need to be a DAX solution.
If I’ve not included enough information then please let me know.
Hope this is ok to put on a solved question, but I’ve had a dig into your solution and just a bit confused by some of the values it’s spitting out. I’ve broken down each section into its own column and have got some weird values like the highlighted:
Hi @jamie.bryan. Absolutely … ask away … the whole point of posting detailed explanations is to foster discussion, so here goes:
Power BI by default summarizes rows with similar values in a visual; if you add an [Index] column to the table, then add the [Index] to the table visual, the code works as expected.