With regards to the fantastic Extended Date Table created by Melissa, I’ve had a search through the forum, perhaps I’ve not understood the posts that were relevant but I’d like to change the week start day to start on a Sunday.
@Melissa 's already got you covered. You’ve probably just skipped over this a million times without noticing it, but that option is right on the front parameters screen:
@AntrikshSharma already answered your question but just a small reminder that the Extended Date table is an ISO-8601 type calendar so weeks always start on a monday.
You can try out the Basic date table here, which does allow you to set a StartOfWeekDay parameter of type number, where 0=Sunday … 6=Saterday
The parameter that @BrianJ highlighted only allows you to switch the weekday numbering from 0…6 (default) to 1…7
Happens to me all the time. You just jump right to the stuff you need and look past the stuff you don’t. I’m actually going to be starting a YouTube series soon called Power BI Buried Treasures, about cool switches and options buried within the program that almost all of us overlook.
Thanks Melissa, I hadn’t fully understood the implications of the ISO-8601 calendar…ironically…the Monday to Sunday works fine for every single report & business area…but hey-ho…I’ve discovered a reporting date requirement that is different to every other single one in the business, typical