Expand data after a table merge with conditionals


I have the following merge in power query on Power BI:

    Data = Table.NestedJoin(União, {"cod_parceiro"}, Hierarquia, {"cod_parceiro"}, "Hierarquia", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    #"Hierarquia Exp" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Data, "Hierarquia", {"grupo_de_loja", "nome_parceiro", "comercial", "regional", "potencial", "data_inicial", "data_final"}, {"grupo_de_loja", "nome_parceiro", "comercial", "regional", "potencial", "data_inicial", "data_final"})
#"Hierarquia Exp"

Is it possible for me to put conditionals for the expansion to happen?

For example, I need it to only return values ​​from the “Hierarquia” table if:

the field [data_pagamento] of the table “União” is >= than the field [data_inicial] of the table “Hierarquia”
the field [data_pagamento] of the table “União” is <= than the field [data_final] of the table “Hierarquia”

If it does not meet the conditions, return NULL for all fields in the “Hierarquia” table in the merge

You could filter the result of the merge using a custom column and the table.selectrows function, using the logic you included in your post, without seeing a sample file its hard to give more advice, but it is possible.

exemple.pbix (86.5 KB)
exemple.xlsx (117.9 KB)

Here is an example in pbix and excel

In excel I left the expected result for each invoice, which I would like to have in pbi

I added the method I got, but in excel you will realize that you would need the results as null of the values ​​that the date is not matched

Unity - União
Hierarchy - Hierarquia
payment_date - data_pagamento
initial_date - data_inicial
final_date - data_final

= Table.AddColumn(#"Consultas Mescladas", "Custom", each Table.SelectRows([Tipo Alterado], (x)=> ([payment_date] >= x[#"initial_date#(lf)"] and [payment_date] <= x[#"final_date#(lf)"])))

If you add the above in a custom column it will pre select the rows in the merged table before expanding

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OMG you are simply a savior in my life

I tested it in the production file and it worked 110%

Thank you very much, you saved my day

No problems at all, glad it helped, it helps me learn as well :slight_smile:

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