Excel Workout 29 - Manipulating Text with CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM

Title: Excel Text Toolbox: Manipulating Text with CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM


Text manipulation is an essential skill in Excel, especially when dealing with large datasets or imported data. In this workout, you’ll delve into the capabilities of the CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM functions, learning how to effectively tweak and transform text cells.


You’ve been provided with a dataset containing customer information. However, the dataset has some inconsistencies: names are spread across multiple columns, unwanted spaces are littered throughout, and certain abbreviations need to be expanded. How can you leverage Excel’s text functions to clean and organize this data?


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  1. Use CONCATENATE to join text from different cells or add additional text.

  2. Employ SUBSTITUTE to replace specific text within cells.

  3. Utilize TRIM to remove unnecessary spaces from text data.

Interactive Task:

Given your understanding of Excel’s text functions, answer the following:

  1. You have a customer’s first name in cell A1 (“John”) and last name in cell B1 (“Doe”). How would you combine these into a full name in cell C1 using CONCATENATE?

    • Your Approach: ________________________
  2. In cell A2, you have the text “Mr. John Doe”. How would you use SUBSTITUTE to replace “Mr.” with “Mister”?

    • Your Approach: ________________________
  3. Cell A3 contains the text " John ". How would you utilize the TRIM function to remove the unnecessary spaces?

    • Your Answer: ________________________


  1. If you want to combine text from multiple cells and include a space between each, which of the following CONCATENATE formulas is correct?

    • i) =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)

    • ii) =CONCATENATE(A1 + " " + B1)

    • iii) =CONCATENATE(A1 & B1)

    • iv) =CONCATENATE(" ", A1, B1)

  2. When might the TRIM function be especially useful in Excel?

    • i) When you want to replace specific text within a cell.

    • ii) When you’re dealing with data imported from other sources that may have inconsistent spacing.

    • iii) When you want to combine text from multiple cells.

    • iv) When you need to capitalize text.

Duration: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

This workout is released on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and will end on Friday, October 20, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

Hi There,

Solution to this Workout:


  1. If you want to combine text from multiple cells and include a space between each, which of the following CONCATENATE formulas is correct?
  • i) =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
  1. When might the TRIM function be especially useful in Excel?
  • ii) When you’re dealing with data imported from other sources that may have inconsistent spacing.

Interactive Task:

  1. You have a customer’s first name in cell A1 (“John”) and last name in cell B1 (“Doe”). How would you combine these into a full name in cell C1 using CONCATENATE?

You can combine the first name and last name into a full name in cell C1 using the CONCATENATE function in Excel like this:


This formula will take the first name from cell A1, add a space, and then add the last name from cell B1. The result in cell C1 would be “John Doe”.

  1. In cell A2, you have the text “Mr. John Doe”. How would you use SUBSTITUTE to replace “Mr.” with “Mister”?

You can use the SUBSTITUTE function in Excel to replace “Mr.” with “Mister” in cell A2. Here’s how you would do it:

=SUBSTITUTE(A2, "Mr.", "Mister")

This formula will replace all occurrences of “Mr.” in the text in cell A2 with “Mister”. The result would be “Mister John Doe” if cell A2 originally contained “Mr. John Doe”.

  1. Cell A3 contains the text " John ". How would you utilize the TRIM function to remove the unnecessary spaces?

You can use the TRIM function in Excel to remove unnecessary spaces from the text in cell A3. Here’s how you would do it:


This formula will remove all extra spaces from the start and end of the text in cell A3. If cell A3 originally contained " John ", the result would be “John”.

Thanks for the workout.


Interactive Task:

  1. You have a customer’s first name in cell A1 (“John”) and last name in cell B1 (“Doe”). How would you combine these into a full name in cell C1 using CONCATENATE?

Your Approach: =CONCATENATE(A1," ",B1)
we can use the above-mentioned formula to combine the values present in the cell(A1) and (B1).

  1. In cell A2, you have the text “Mr. John Doe”. How would you use SUBSTITUTE to replace “Mr.” with “Mister”?

Your Approach: =SUBSTITUTE(A2,“Mr.”,“Mister”)
we can use the above-mentioned formula to substitute the old text for the new preferred text.

  1. Cell A3 contains the text " John ". How would you utilize the TRIM function to remove the unnecessary spaces?

Your Answer: =TRIM(A3)
we can use the above-mentioned formula to remove the unwanted spaces from the text.


  1. If you want to combine text from multiple cells and include a space between each, which of the following CONCATENATE formulas is correct?

     i) =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
  2. When might the TRIM function be especially useful in Excel?

     ii) When you’re dealing with data imported from other sources that may have inconsistent 